Policy On News Media Relations – Policies And Procedures - Montclair State University


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Policy on News Media Relations

About This Policy

Effective Date
Policy Owner
VP Communications & Marketing

Policy Statement

Montclair State University is committed to the creation and dissemination of knowledge and ideas and to the free flow of information. Montclair State recognizes the important role of the news media as a channel of communication with the public, and it is committed to providing representatives of recognized news reporting organizations with timely and accurate information regarding the University’s policies, programs and activities.

The Division of University Communications and Marketing is the point of contact for inquiries from news media representatives, and it and the President are the sole source of official statements to the media providing information about Montclair State. Employees who wish to initiate contact with the news media or who receive news media inquiries about University matters should first coordinate with the media relations staff in the Division of University Communications and Marketing.

Employees are always free to speak to the news media for any reason, except they may not speak or provide a statement on behalf of Montclair State unless expressly designated by the President or Vice President, Communications & Marketing.


All employees of Montclair State are required to comply with this policy.

Policy Details

1- Working with Journalists

Media relations staff members in the Division of University Communications and Marketing are responsible to act as advocates for Montclair State with the news media. Communication with the media and the public shall comply with the principles of ethical public relations practice as described in the

Media relations staff in the Division will respond promptly, courteously and professionally to requests from members of the news media who seek information about or want access to Montclair State and its administrators, faculty, staff and students.  In turn, Montclair State expects members of the news media to conduct themselves in a professional manner, consistent with established journalistic codes of ethics, when contacting or interacting with members of the Montclair State community and when visiting the campus.  Montclair State may discontinue contact with news media representatives who consistently fail to adhere to these expectations.

2- Media Access to Facilities

News media representatives are permitted to enter public areas of the University’s campuses and to film public areas without permission, but they are encouraged to first contact the Division of University Communications and Marketing’s media relations staff to facilitate their visits. However, access to certain areas, including classrooms, laboratories, studios, offices and all residence halls, is strictly prohibited without prior permission from the Division’s professional media relations staff.  Media personnel who disrupt Montclair State’s normal operations, interfere with the ability to access activities or facilities, or intimidate or harass individuals on campus, may be asked to leave campus. During emergencies, Montclair State officials may require news media representatives to remain within a designated area for law enforcement or safety reasons.

3- News Conferences

The Division of University Communications and Marketing is solely responsible for calling and holding news conferences on behalf of Montclair State.  News conferences may be convened by the Division to efficiently share important news with the media. All other units that would like to hold a news conference must seek approval through the Division of University Communications and Marketing.

4- Spokespeople

When public comment on behalf of Montclair State is requested, the spokesperson will be the President, the Vice President, Communications & Marketing, or a designee. No other employees are authorized to speak or provide a statement on behalf of Montclair State unless expressly designated by the President or Vice President, Communications & Marketing.

5- Emergency Communications

During a crisis or emergency that disrupts normal operations, Montclair State will communicate with faculty, staff, students and members of the media and the public in a timely and accurate manner, in an effort to enhance public safety. University Police, the Division of Student Development and Campus Life and the Division of University Communications and Marketing are the designated sources of emergency information on behalf of Montclair State. Employees who receive news media requests related to an emergency should direct them to the media relations staff within the Division of University Communications and Marketing.

6- New Jersey Open Public Records Act

Montclair State University is subject to the New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA), N.J.S.A 47:1A-1, et. seq., which ensures transparency by public entities subject to certain exceptions.

The Office of University Counsel is responsible for responding to requests for records under OPRA. Any employee receiving a request for records from any source, including the news media, must forward it to the Office of University Counsel for response


The Vice President, Communications & Marketing has been delegated authority to enforce and administer this Policy.  Employees who fail to comply with this Policy may be subject to discipline, including suspension or termination, in accordance with applicable Montclair State policies and collective bargaining agreements.

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