Women Entrepreneurship Week 2023 – Feliciano Center For Entrepreneurship And Innovation - Montclair State University


Women Entrepreneurship Week 2023

Women Entrepreneurship Week 2023: Celebrating our 10th Anniversary!

Women Entrepreneurship Week is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating female founders at Montclair State University and around the globe.

We were astounded by the responses to this year’s celebration at Montclair State University! We kicked off our tenth annual Women Entrepreneurship Week with a pre-event luncheon and networking reception, followed by an awards ceremony and amazing lineup of inspirational speakers and informative discussions. Thank you for joining us as we celebrated the amazing female founders who are making an impact in their communities!

If you weren’t able to join us, from this year’s WEW that took place at Montclair State University on October 18, 2023! We were joined by amazing speakers including: , , , , , , and .

If you are interested in bringing WEW to your campus or university, please contact us at: entrepreneurs@montclair.edu

Our Women Entrepreneurship Week 2023 Sponsors

Thank you to this year’s sponsors for supporting Women Entrepreneurship Week 2023:

Our Envisioning Sponsor:

Our Empowering Sponsors:
