Studies Not Yet Reviewed – Institute For The Advancement Of Philosophy For Children - Montclair State University


Image of children sitting on the floor in a classroom, raising their arms.

Studies Not Yet Reviewed

  1. TOCK, KENG LIM (1998): “How to Evaluate Philosophy for Children”, Critical and Creative Thinking, Vol. 6, No. 1 March. (Quoted by T. Sprod.)
  2. SIGURBORSDOTTIR, INGIBJORG (1998): Philosophy with Children in Foldaborg: Development Project in Foldaborg. A Preschool in Reykjavik for Children from 1-6 years. International Journal of Early Childhood. Vol.30, n. 1 pp.14-16.
  3. BRANSFORD, J., SHERWOOD, R. & REISER, J. (1986): “Teaching Thinking and Problem Solving. Research Foundations. Review” in American Psychologist, 41 (10), 1078-1089. (Quoted by T. Sprod.)
  4. ENNIS, R. (1991): “Critical thinking assessment” Theory into Practice, 32 (3), 179-186 Citado por Daniel, M.F. (1998). Potentially useful.
  5. KYLE, JA, MOSTERT, P. & MOREHOUSE, R. (1985): “Transcript analysis” Analytic Teaching, vol. 5, 2, 2-34
  6. OLKINOURA, E., SALONEN, P. & LEHTINEN, E. (1984): Toward an interactive theory of cognitive dysfunction: research projects on the interaction formation of learning difficulties. Turku, Finland: Institute of Education. Explores the relationship between and among teachers, students and tasks. Quoted by Morehouse (1995)
  7. PERROT, CHRISTINE: “Epistemic analysis” The author focuses on the construction of knowledge in a qualitative research. Her model of knowledge construction involves three orientations: epistemic stance and the position of participants, epistemic tenure of the dialogue and epistemic character and content of the utterance. Quoted by Morehouse (1995) without any specific reference to the paper.
  8. SCHLEIFER, MICHAEL, PIERRE LEBUIS M.F. DANIEL and ANITA CARON (1995): “Philosophy for Children Teachers as collaborative researchers” Analytic Teaching Quoted in Daniel, (1998)
  9. VAN DER LEEUW, K. & MOSTERT, P. (1987): “Learning to operate with philosophic concepts” Analytic Teaching, 8, 1. Looking carefully and critically at what children said in a Harry discussion, the authors explored the questioning and reasoning of children: generality, abstractness and complexity. Quoted by Morehouse (1995)
  10. SCHLEIFER, MICHAEL, et al.: “The Impact of Philosophical Discussions on Moral Autonomy, Judgment, Empathy and the Recognition of Emotion in Five Year Olds,” Thinking 16:4 (2003), pp. 4-12.