Statements – Office For Social Justice And Diversity - Montclair State University


Stop Asian Hate with red grunge rubber stamp.


Asian Pacific Islander Caucus

March 19, 20201

Dear Montclair State Community,

It is with heavy hearts that we write this email, on behalf of the Asian Pacific Islander Caucus (APIC), and as mentors to our United Asian American Student Organization (UAASO). The recent tragic shooting of six Asian women in Atlanta has highlighted the ongoing racism toward Asians in America, and in particular, racism and misogyny against Asian Women. It is hard to find the words to convey our deep pain and outrage, although particularly at this time, it is critical for our Asian voices to be expressed and heard.

COVID-19 has highlighted many horrific disparities in our country. As Asian Americans, we stand in solidarity with our fellow BIPOC faculty, staff, and students, against racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, white terrorism, and all forms of hatred, violence, and discrimination. The ignorant and appalling references to COVID-19 as the “Chinese Disease” in the past year has led to increased discrimination against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders throughout the pandemic. We must support our AAPI students, staff, and faculty in their grief, fear, and pain. We hope to come together on April 1, 2021, at 12pm, for a hybrid event to honor Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Please stay tuned for further information.

Given the division in our country, it is critical to amplify the voices of People of Color. What we love most about our Montclair State University community is our commitment to diversity and inclusion. It is so hard that we are not all on campus and feel so disconnected. For our students and community as a whole, it is crucial that we unite against bigotry and hate, and stand in solidarity as a richly diverse community that upholds social and racial justice, inclusion, and equity, in all forms.

Much love and peace to you all.

Be safe and stay healthy,
Dr. Jude Uy and Dr. Sudha Wadhwani
President and Vice President
Asian Pacific Islander Caucus

African American, Disability, and Latinx/a/o Caucuses

March 19, 2021

Statement of Solidarity with the Asian and Pacific Islander Communities:

The African American, Disability, and Latinx/a/o Caucuses fully support the recent response by the Asian Pacific Islander Caucus (APIC) and United Asian American Student Organization (UAASO) to the 91żě»îÁÖ State University Community. We stand in solidarity with our AAPI brothers/sisters/siblings in bearing witness to the recent racist, misogynist, and xenophobic violence in Atlanta, and the increasingly endemic manifestations of anti-Asian hatred and ignorance throughout the U.S. in recent months.

We are keenly aware of the interlocking nature of systems of oppression, through which people are colonized, disabled, dehumanized, and subjected to violence and other forms of terror. Dismantling these systems requires our collective resistance, and that shared work begins with humanization. We stand ready to support our grieving friends, family, colleagues, and students and are committed to the mutual work of addressing systemic racism and bigotry.

In hope,

African American Caucus, Membership
Disability Caucus, Membership
Latinx/a/o Caucus, Membership

President's Commission on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity

To the Montclair State University Community:

Montclair State University is committed to the value and importance of a diverse community. As the University’s statement on Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action & Diversity declares, “Montclair State is a vibrant community that is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is inclusive, free of discrimination and harassment, and is welcoming to persons from all racial, ethnic, social and cultural backgrounds.”

For over 40 years, the President’s Commission on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Diversity has supported these ideals, knowing that diversity is vital to the fabric of our University and to each member of our community. We are committed to work with our campus partners to promote an atmosphere of respect and civility; so we can all stand together and support, appreciate, and empower one another, in order to be the best we can be as a system and at all our levels and core of who we are.

The tragic killing of six Asian women in Georgia has brought attention to long standing prejudice and discrimination against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders in our country. Recent heightening of this bias has been spread in the past year during the COVID pandemic, referring to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus,” thereby inciting further scapegoating and anger toward the Asian community.  As a Commission, we strongly condemn these acts of hatred, bigotry, and violence, and stand in solidarity with our Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.

Montclair State denounces all forms of bigotry, and as an institution, works to identify and dismantle systems that perpetuate inequity and threaten our values of inclusion and diversity. This past year has been especially difficult for many. The violence and rhetoric used to divide us only makes more bleak these already very difficult times and serves to diminish the principles on which this country was built. We ask that all members of our community commit to being part of the solution by calling out instances of racism; supporting, protecting and advocating for those less fortunate; and upholding social justice and harmony.

These challenging times can be met with a renewed dedication for greater compassion, understanding, and civility. American culture and our Montclair State community is richer and more expansive by the legacy and contributions of our fellow Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander students, faculty and staff. The Commission stands in support of, and alongside, all identities that make up our rich Montclair State community, and believes that the song America sings is inclusive of all voices.